Japan / Nansei Shoto Region /

JP160Awase tidal flat

Site Description


The site is a shallow sea area including tidal flat located in the north of Nakagusuku Bay in the middle of the main island of Okinawahonto, which provides diverse environment ranging from tidal flat and shallow waters of mud, sand and coral pebbles to seaweed beds, and coral shelves, which in turn provide habitats for migratory birds such as shorebirds, shellfish and crabs, and many other kinds of fish. In the seaweed zone of 112 ha, eight kinds of seaweed listed in the Red Data Book including Cymodocea serrulata, such endangered alga and fish species and some newly discovered shellfish exist.

A reclamation project of public water body by the government(Okinawa General Bureau)and Okinawa Prefecture is under way at Awase district in Nakagusuku Bay.

Area & Coordinates

550ha 26°18′N 127°50′E
region: Nansei Shoto Region, Okinawa



Designation Type

World Heritage Candidate

Protection Status


Conservation issues


Breeding resident

Egretta sacra, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, Charadrius alexandrinus, Pycnonotus sinensis

Winter visitor

Egretta alba, Pluvialis fulva, Pluvialis squatarola, Charadrius dubius, Charadrius mongolus, Actitis hypoleucos, Calidris ruficollis, Calidris subminuta, Calidris alpina, メダイチドリ, Numenius phaeopus, Numenius arquata, Tringa totanus, Tringa nebularia, Tringa glareola

Passage visitor

Ixobrychus sinensis



©TAKAI Kenji

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