Japan / Shikoku Region /
JP131Kamogawa estuary
Site Description
The Kamogawa river originates from the Mt. Ishizuchisan system in Ehime Prefecture. In the area around the mouth of the river, combined with the tidal flats of the adjacent Nakayama river, tidal flats total 383 ha, the largest in Ehime Prefecture. At tidal flats of sandy nature there live many crabs, although coastlines are protected by concrete reinforcement structures. Around the mouth of the rivers there are also paddy fields, and many birds are seen at the mouth of the rivers. In the area at the tip of the tidal flats, seaweed cultivations are carried out actively particularly in winter.
Area & Coordinates
12,000ha 33°44′N 133°09′E
region: Shikoku Region, Ehime
Designation Type
Wildlife Protection Area (Local)
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
- Drainage
Breeding resident
Egretta alba, Ardea cinerea, Charadrius alexandrinus
Breeding visitor
Sterna albifrons, Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Winter visitor
Podiceps cristatus, Podiceps nigricollis, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas penelope, Anas acuta, Bucephala clangula, Larus ridibundus
Passage visitor
Heteroscelus brevipes, Xenus cinereus, Calidris tenuirostris, Numenius phaeopus

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