Japan / Shikoku Region /
JP130Ishizuchi range
Site Description
The site is mountainous zone centering on Mt. Ishizuchisan, the highest peak (1,982 m) in western Japan. In the lower area at the altitude of 1,000 m or less above sea level, there are artificial forests of Cyryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa. Fagus crenata forests grow on the area exceeding 1,200 m height and especially on the south slope of the mountain sizable scale of Fagus crenata woods exist. On areas higher than 1,700m Abies veitchii grow. On the rocky stretches on this level, many alpine flowers are seen. In contrast to precipitous Mt. Ishizuchisan, near the peaks of Kamegamori and Mt. Sasagamine are gentle slopes covered with grasses.
Area & Coordinates
14,000ha 33°39′N 134°02′E
region: Shikoku Region, Ehime; Kochi
Designation Type
Quasi-National Park, Wildlife Protection Area (government), Nature Consevation Area, Prefectural National Park
Protection Status
Partially protected
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
- Intensified forest management
- Natural events
Breeding resident
Spizaetus nipalensis, Syrmaticus soemmerringii, Picus awokera, Dendrocopos leucotos, Anthus hodgsoni, Troglodytes troglodytes, Prunella rubida, Zoothera dauma, Tarsiger cyanurus, Parus varius, Parus ater, Nucifraga caryocatactes
Breeding visitor
Halcyon coromanda, Cuculus saturatus, Erithacus akahige, Turdus cardis, Luscinia cyane, Phylloscopus borealis, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, Ficedula narcissina

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