Japan / Hokkaido Region /
JP002Lake Koetoi-Onuma
Site Description
Lake Koetoi-Onuma is located in the east of Wakkanai City, has a perimeter of 12 km around, and a maximum depth of 2.2 m. In 1958, the lake was connected with the sea by a flood prevention project that straightened the Koetoigawa river. There is abundant wildlife in the fresh water lake and the brackish water. Many birds breed here, and Tundra Swans and ducks stop over in spring and autumn migrating seasons.
Area & Coordinates
830ha 45°22′N 141°45′E
region: Hokkaido
Designation Type
Wildlife Protection Area (Local)
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
Breeding resident
Dendrocopos major, Sitta europaea, Parus palustris, Corvus corone
Breeding visitor
Luscinia calliope, Saxicola torquata, Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Emberiza schoeniclus, Locustella fasciolata, Phylloscopus coronatus
Winter visitor
Haliaeetus pelagicus, Haliaeetus albicilla
Passage visitor
Cygnus columbianus, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas acuta, Bucephala clangula

©HIKITA Hideko