Japan / Kyushu Region /
JP149Ayakawa valley
Site Description
Aya broadleaved evergreen forest, is a forest lying in the eastern part of Mt. Ohmoridake (with an altitude of 1,109 m), and has a larger area than any other broadleaved evergreen forests in Japan. It has a lot of Fagaceae Querus and Fagaceae Castanesis, Machilus tunbergii and so on, as well as 60 to 90 species of various plants. As its supportive evidence, a wide variety of rare wild birds including Hodgson’s Hawk-Eagle, Golden Eagle, Ruddy Kingfisher and Fairy Pitta can be seen there.
Area & Coordinates
3,000ha 32°02′N 131°11′E
region: Kyushu Region, Miyazaki
Designation Type
Quasi-National Park, Wildlife Protection Area (Local)
Protection Status
Partially protected
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism valley
Breeding resident
Parus varius, Parus ater, Sitta europaea, Dendrocopos leucotos, Sphenurus sieboldii, Eophona personatas, Ceryle lugubris, Cinclus pallasii, Pericrocotus divaricatus, Strix uralensis, Spizaetus nipalensis, Aquila chrysaetos
Breeding visitor
Halcyon coromanda, Pitta nympha, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, Ficedula narcissina, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, Cuculus poliocephalus, Turdus cardis, Ninox scutulata
Winter visitor
Aix galericulata, Emberiza elegans

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