Japan / Shikoku Region /
JP133Middle Shimantogawa basin
Site Description
About 78 % of forests along the middle Shimantogawa river are privately owned. Around 68.5 % of the total forests are artificial forests. As for the national forests along the watershed, 98 % are artificial forests. There are many evergreen broadleaf forests of Fagaceae Castanesis and Fagaceae Querus, and there are also evergreen conifer trees. Along the riverbeds some shrubs and herbaceous plants are seen.
Area & Coordinates
16,000ha 33°14′N 132°51′E
region: Shikoku Region, Kochi
Designation Type
Wildlife Protection Area (Local)
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
- Infrastructure
- Deforestation
- Natural events
Breeding resident
Strix uralensis, Ceryle lugubris, Alcedo atthis, Dendrocopos leucotos, Streptopelia orientalis, Sphenurus sieboldii, Hypsipetes amaurotis, Troglodytes troglodytes, Parus varius, Cinclus pallasii
Breeding visitor
Halcyon coromanda, Ficedula narcissina, Ninox scutulata, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, Cuculus poliocephalus
Winter visitor
Emberiza variabilis, Anthus hodgsoni, Tarsiger cyanurus, Emberiza spodocephala, Turdus pallidus

©Ecosystem Trust Society