JP111Fujimae tidal flat
Site Description
The site is situated in the river mouth area of Shonaigawa, Shinkawa, and Nikkogawa that flow into the port of Nagoya. One hundred and seventy-two species of birds have been recorded recently around Fujimae tidal flat, including 41 species of shorebirds. Among them Black-faced Spoonbills and Spotted Greenshank, which are designated as International Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, are included. Therefore, the site is considered to be important which supports the existence of birds that migrate between the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. Besides shorebirds, geese and ducks, as there are a good deal of reed beds, grass land birds including reed warblers etc., occur here, and also as the downstream area is fresh water environment where paddy fields exist, there are many fresh water birds such as snipes, egrets as well as geese and ducks. As the site has many green spaces like Yatomi wild bird sanctuary, many forest birds and birds of prey such as Ospreys and Peregrine Falcons also occur here. In the tidal flat, 132 kinds of benthos occur.
Area & Coordinates
770ha 35°04′N 136°50′E
region: Tokai Chubu Region
Designation Type
Wildlife Protection Area (government), Ramsar Site
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Aquaculture/fisheries
- Other
Calidris alpina, Calidris ruficollis, Limosa lapponica, Charadrius mongolus, Numenius madagascariensis, Larus saundersi, Sterna albifrons, Circus spilonotus, Falco peregrinus, Sterna albifrons, Tringa guttifer, Platalea minor, Botaurus stellaris, Accipiter gentilis, Falco peregrinus, Anser fabalis, Egretta intermedia, Anser albifrons, Pandion haliaetus