Japan / Koshinetsu Region and Hokuriku Region /
JP095Northern Japan Alps
Site Description
The site is common name of the Hida Mountains, consisting of mountains above 3,000 m high, and is located at the border of Niigata Prefecture, Nagano Pref. and Gifu Pref. Mt.Norikuradake has several peaks and many volcanic lakes, and is located at the south of the Hida Mountains. Evergreen conifer trees grow at subalpine zone, Pinus pumila dominate from Betula emanii forests to timberline of alpine zone. There are many alpine plants such as Phyllodoce aleutica and Dicentra peregrina .
Area & Coordinates
293,000ha 36°32′N 137°37′E
region: Kohshinetsu Hokuriku
Designation Type
National Park, Wildlife Protection Area (government), National Monument, Prefectural National Park
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
- Abandonment/reduction of land management
Lagopus mutus, Prunella rubida, Prunella collaris, Nucifraga caryocatactes , Delichon urbica, Hirundapus caudacutus , Apus pacificus, Pyrrhula pyrrhula , Anthus hodgsoni , Phylloscopus borealis, Troglodytes troglodytes, Dendrocopos major, Regulus regulus, Certhia familiaris, Parus ater , Parus montanus , Motacilla cinerea ,

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