Japan / Koshinetsu Region and Hokuriku Region /
JP091Lake Toyanogata
Site Description
Toyanogata is a lagoon of 167 ha in the center of Niigata City. It functions as a flood control basin in Niigata Plain, so it has not been drained for other development purposes, even though it is within city limits. There are reed beds around Toyanogata, and Nuphar japonicum and Trapa japonica grow in the lagoon. In the inlet at the northeastern side of the lagoon, there is another islet which was formed with layers of aquatic plants.
There are two parks on the north and south sides of the lagoon, and full-grown trees such as Prunus x yedoensis make a grove. On the south of Toyanogata, there is Seigorogata lagoon. The northwestern part of Seigorogata was reclaimed for a garden. However, reed beds and aquatic plants such as Trapa japonica are found on what remains of Seigorogata lagoon.
Area & Coordinates
264ha 37°53′N 139°03′E
region: Kohshinetsu Hokuriku
Designation Type
Wildlife Protection Area (Local)
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Industrialization/urbanization
- Drainage
- Construction/impact of dyke/dam/barrage
Breeding resident
Podiceps cristatus, Tachybaptus ruficollis
Breeding visitor
Sterna albifrons, Gallinula chloropus, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Cuculus canorus, Alcedo atthis, Sturnus philippensis, Egretta alba, Egretta intermedia, Egretta garzetta, Bubulcus ibis, Butorides striatus, Ixobrychus sinensis
Winter visitor
Cygnus columbianus, Anser fabalis middendorfii, Podiceps cristatus, Anas formosa, Mergus albellus albellus, Circus spilonotus, Emberiza schoeniclus

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