Japan / Kanto Region /
JP085Chichijima islands
Site Description
Chichijimaretto islands are located at the center of Ogasawaragunto islands which are about 1,000 km south of Tokyo metropolitan area, still within the Tokyo administrative district, and consist of Ototojima, Anijima, Chichijima, Minamijima and other islets. Each islet has steep and complicated landform. Ototojima was inhabited before the World War Ⅱ, so the forests were strongly affected by humans.
Area & Coordinates
3,862ha 27°03′N 142°13′E
region: Kanto
Designation Type
National Park, Wildlife Protection Area (government), World Heritage Candidate
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Aquaculture/fisheries
- Recreation/tourism
- Consequences of animal/plants/ introductions
Breeding resident
Buteo buteo toyoshimai, Columba versicolor, Cettia diphone diphone, Hypsipetes amaurotis , Monticola solitarius, Zosterops japonicus, Zoothera dauma
Breeding visitor
Sula leucogaster, Puffinus pacificus, Bulweria bulwerii, Oceanodroma tristrami, Pterodroma hypoleuca
Passage visitor
Numenius phaeopus, Tringa totanus, Upupa epops, Larus crassirostris

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