Japan / Tohoku Region /
JP045Mount Hayachine
Site Description
Mt. Hayachinesan is the highest mountain (1,917 m) on Kitakami Highland which is located in nearly the center of Iwate Prefecture. The northern slope is covered with forests to the summit while the southern slope is mainly composed of rocks (serpentine). Broad-leaved forests with Fagus crenata, Aesculus turbinata and Quercus crispula extend in the middle of the mountain and conifers like Abies mariesii, Tsuga diversifolia and Pinus pumila cover the areas from the middle to the summit. On the rocky southern slope, alpine flowers including endemic species are abundant.
Area & Coordinates
14,000ha 39°33′N 141°30′E
region: Tohoku
Designation Type
Quasi-National Park, Nature Consevation Area, National Monument, Prefectural National Park
Protection Status
Partially protected
Conservation issues
- Unsustainable exploitation
- Recreation/tourism
- Deforestation (commercial)
- Consequences of animal/plants/ introductions
- Other
Aquila chrysaetos, Spizaetus nipalensis, Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter gularis, Otus scops, Otus lempiji semitorques , Turdus sibiricus sibiricus, Turdus chrysolaus, Caprimulgus indicus, Apus pacificus, Emberiza variabilis, Emberiza sulphurata , Anthus hodgsoni, Parus ater, Phylloscopus borealis, Phylloscopus borealoides, Regulus regulus, Pyrrhula pyrrhula , Prunella rubida, Luscinia calliope, Tarsiger cyanurus, Erithacus akahige, Nucifraga caryocatactes