Japan / Hokkaido Region /
JP013Tomoshiri, Chitomoshiri is
Site Description
Coastline; Grassland
Tomoshirito islet is an uninhabited islet located off shore of Nemuro Peninsula. The elevation of Tomoshiri islet is 11.8m. Elymus mollis dominates on the coast, and Coeloperum grelinii and Haracleum dulce are abundant on the slope and the terrace. Only one nest used by gulls was discovered by the survey on 10 September 2006. A bare field can be seen on Chitorimoshiri islet from Tomoshiri islet. Details are unknown.
Area & Coordinates
9ha 43°18′N 145°41′E
region: Hokkaido
Protection Status
Larus schistisagus, Larus crassirostris, Phalacrocorax capillatus, Phalacrocorax pelagicus, Heteroscelus brevipes, Corvus macrorhynchos

©KONDO Norihisa