Japan / Hokkaido Region /
JP009Lake Tofutsu
Site Description
Lake Tohutsuko lies between Abashiri City and Koshimizu Town in eastern Hokkaido. The narrow strip of sand dune (Koshimizu Gensei Kaen) separates Tohutsuko, an inland sea-lake, from the sea. The lake has an area of 900 ha with 27.3 km of the shoreline, and an average depth of 1.1 m. The lake is relatively shallow with the deepest part being 2.5 m. Some rivers flow into the lake, and approximately 118 ha of wetlands are found around the lake. Alnus Japonice forest is around the rivers, and the marsh is dominated mainly by Carex and Phragmites australis, and few Typha latifolia and Scirpus tabernaemontani. In the brackish water, a salt marsh exists with Salicornia europaea and Triglochin maritima.. Cattle have been grazing selectively, so communities of Iris setosa, Rose rugosa and Themopsis lupinoides are found in patches.
Area & Coordinates
2,200ha 43°56′N 144°24′E
region: Hokkaido
A1, A3, A4i
Designation Type
Quasi-National Park, Wildlife Protection Area (government), Ramsar Site
Protection Status
Conservation issues
- Recreation/tourism
- Natural events
- Consequences of animal/plants/ introductions
Breeding resident
Mergus merganser, Haliaeetus albicilla, Grus japonensis, Dendrocopos minor
Breeding visitor
Ardea cinerea, Gallinago hardwickii, Jynx torquilla, Luscinia calliope
Winter visitor
Cygnus cygnus, Bucephala clangula, Haliaeetus pelagicus, Plectrophenax nivalis
Passage visitor
Anser fabalis, Anas penelope, Calidris alpina, Tringa nebularia

©KAWASAKI Yasuhiro