- 日本野鳥の会
- 当会の活動
- 自然保護
- 野鳥と感染症
- 野鳥と高病原性鳥インフルエンザ
- 高病原性鳥インフルエンザ(H5N1亜型)が見つかっている鳥類(2011年3月10日現在)
高病原性鳥インフルエンザが確認された生物のリストが、アメリカ合衆国地質調査所(USGS National Wildlife Health Center)のホームページに掲載されています。この中から、日本産鳥類および日本で確認や飼育されている鳥類のリストを作成しました。
- アメリカ地質調査所
http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/disease_information/avian_influenza/affected_species_chart.jsp - 環境省 「高病原性鳥インフルエンザウイルスに対し、感染リスクの高い日本の野鳥種」
高病原性鳥インフルエンザ(H5N1亜型)が見つかった鳥類 (日本産鳥類のみ)
USGS National Wildlife Health Centerの資料より作成
学 名 | 英 名 | 和 名 | 野外 | 野生種飼育下 | 飼育 ・ ペ ッ ト |
感染 実験 |
致死性 | 引 用 文 献 |
Aix galericulata | Mandarin duck | オシドリ | + | + | Choi, CY. Pers comm (1/4/11) & http://www.oie.int/wahis/public.php?page= single_report&pop=1&reportid=10121 |
Anas acuta | Northern pintail | オナガガモ | + | + | + | OIE Disease Information Vol 19. No. 14. Brown et al., 2006. EID 12:1663-1670. |
Anas crecca | Blue-winged teal | コガモ | + | + | – | Kuo et al., 2009. PLoS 4:e6926 | ||
Anas formosa | Baikal teal | トモエガモ | + | + | Choi, CY. Pers comm (1/4/11) & http://www.oie.int/wahis/public.php?page =single_report&pop=1&reportid=10121 |
Anas penelope | Eurasian wigeon | ヒドリガモ | + | + | – | Yu et al., 2007. EID 13:772-775, Keawcharoen et al., 2008. EID 14:600. |
Anas platyrhynchos | Domestic duck/Mallard | マガモ/アヒル | + | + | + | + | Guan et.al. 2002. Virology 292:16-23. | |
Anas strepera | Gadwall | オカヨシガモ | + | + | – | OIE Mission to Russia, 2005, Keawcharoen et al., 2008. EID 14:600. |
Anser albifrons | Greater white-fronted goose | マガン | + | + | ProMED 20051130.3460 (HPAI H5); Dan Hulea, per. Comm. |
Anser anser | Greylag goose | ハイイロガン | + | + | ProMed 20060510.1341 AVIAN INFLUENZA – WORLDWIDE (108): DENMARK, GERMANY |
Anser anser domesticus | Domestic goose | ガチョウ | + | + | + | Guan et.al. 2002. Virology 292:16-23. | ||
Anser erythropus | Lesser white-fronted goose | カリガネ | + | + | OIE Romania Follow-up report No. 6, ProMED 20051130.3460. |
Aythya americana | Redhead | アメリカホシハジロ | + | – | Brown et al., 2006. EID 12:1663-1670. | |||
Aythya ferina | Common pochard | ホシハジロ | + | + | – | OIE Mission to Russia, 2005, Keawcharoen et al., 2008. EID 14:600. |
Aythya fuligula | Tufted duck | キンクロハジロ | + | + | + | ProMED 20060219.0541, Keawcharoen et al., 2008. EID 14:600. |
Aythya marila | Greater scaup | スズガモ | + | + | OIE Disease Information V.19 No.12. | |||
Branta bernicla | Brent goose | コクガン | + | + | OIE Disease Information V.19 No.11. | |||
Branta canadensis | Canada goose | カナダガン | + | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505, Kiss et al., 2008. Virology J 5:113. |
Branta hutchinsii | Cackling goose | シジュウカラガン | + | + | Brown et al.2008.EID 14:136-142. | |||
Bucephala clangula | Common goldeneye | ホオジロガモ | + | + | Rinder et al., 2007. J Vet Diagn Invest 19:279-282. | |||
Cygnus atratus | Black swan | コクチョウ | + | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | ||
Cygnus buccinator | Trumpeter swan | ナキハクチョウ | + | + | Brown et al.2008.EID 14:136-142. | |||
Cygnus columbianus | Tundra swan | コハクチョウ | + | + | 21/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 3) |
Cygnus cygnus | Whooper Swan | オオハクチョウ | + | + | Promed 20050826.2527 | |||
Cygnus olor | Mute swan | コブハクチョウ | + | + | + | FAOAIDE News Update on Avian Influenza #35; Brown et al.2008.EID 14:136-142. |
Mergellus albellus | Smew | ミコアイサ | + | + | ProMED 20060222.0569 | |||
Mergus merganser | Goosander/Common merganser | カワアイサ | + | + | Manin & Irza, ARRIAH, 2007. Pers. Comm. | |||
Netta rufina | Red-crested pochard | アカハシハジロ | + | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | ||
Tadorna ferruginea | Ruddy shelduck | アカツクシガモ | + | + | OIE 2005. Disease Information Vol.18-no.21 | |||
Order: Charadriformes | ||||||||
Larus argentatus | Herring gull | セグロカモメ | + | + | + | Komar and Olsen, 2008. Emerg Inf Dis 14:1177. | ||
Larus canus | Common gull | カモメ | + | ? | Anonymous. 2010. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. Jan-Feb; (1):29-32. |
Larus ichthyaetus | Great black-headed gull | オオズグロカモメ | + | + | + | Chen et al., 2005. Nature 436:191-192, Liu et al., 2005.Science 309:1206. |
Larus ridibundus | Black-headed gull | ユリカモメ | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | |||
Larus schistisagus | Slaty-backed gull | オオセグロカモメ | + | Kuo et al., 2009. PLoS One 4:e6926. | ||||
Numenius arquata | Eurasian curlew | ダイシャクシギ | + | Kuo et al., 2009. PLoS One 4:e6926. | ||||
Tringa ochropus | Green sandpiper | クサシギ | + | – | OIE Mission to Russia 2005 | |||
Order: Ciconiiformes | ||||||||
Ardea alba | Great egret | ダイサギ | + | + | Great Egret tests positive for H5N1 virus | |||
Ardea cinerea | Grey heron | アオサギ | + | + | + | Migratory bird tested positive for H5N1 virus | ||
Ardeola bacchus | Chinese pond heron | アカガシラサギ | + | – | OIE 2005 Disease Information Vol. 18-no2, Siengsanan-Lamont et al., 2010. Vet Micro. In Press. |
Ardeola ibis | Cattle egret | アマサギ | + | + | Feare, 2007. Avian Dis 51:440-447. | |||
Egretta garzetta | Little egret | コサギ | + | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | ||
Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-crowned night heron | ゴイサギ | + | + | Dead bird H5N1-positive | |||
Order: Columbiformes | ||||||||
Columba livia | Feral pigeon | カワラバト/ドバト | + | + | + | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | ||
Streptopelia tranquebarica | Red-collared dove | ベニバト | + | ? | ProMED 20041214.3303 | |||
Order: Falconiformes | ||||||||
Accipiter gentilis | Northern goshawk | オオタカ | + | + | OIE 2006. Disease Information vol19 no.8. | |||
Buteo buteo | Buzzard | ノスリ | + | + | OIE 2006. Disease Information vol19 no.8. | |||
Buteo lagopus | Rough-legged buzzard | ケアシノスリ | + | + | ProMed 20060510.1341 AVIAN INFLUENZA – WORLDWIDE (108): DENMARK, GERMANY |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine falcon | ハヤブサ | + | + | + | OIE 2004 Disease Infromation Vol.17-no.5; Hong Kong Final Report 7/30/03 |
Falco tinnunculus | Common kestrel | チョウゲンボウ | + | + | Sham Shui Po dead bird H5N1 positive | |||
Gyps sp? | "wild vulture" | ハゲワシ属? | + | + | OIE Disease Information vol 19 no 11. AVIAN INFLUENZA IN NIGERIA Follow-up report No. 4 |
Milvus sp. | Kite | トビ属の1種 | + | – | Manin & Irza, ARRIAH, 2007. Pers. Comm. | |||
Spilornis cheela | Serpent eagle | カンムリワシ | + | + | FAO AIDE report #16 | |||
Spizaetus nipalensis orientalis | Mountain/Hodgson’s hawk eagle | クマタカ | + | + | H5N1 kills rare eagle near Japan bird flu sites | |||
Order: Galliformes | ||||||||
Colinus virginianus | Bobwhite quail | コリンウズラ | + | + | Perkins and Swayne, 2003. Vet Pathol 40:14-24. | |||
Gallus domesticus | Domestic chicken | ニワトリ | + | + | + | Subbarao et.al. 1998. Science 279:393-396. | ||
Meleagris gallopavo | Turkey | シチメンチョウ | + | + | + | Perkin and Swayne, 2001. Vet Pathol 38:149-164. | ||
Numida meleagris | Pearl guineafowl | ホロホロチョウ | + | + | + | OIE, 4/4/2006; Perkins and Swayne, 2003 | ||
Pavo cristatus | Peacock | インドクジャク | + | + | Danish Tests Reveal H5N1 Virus In Poultry | |||
Pavo cristatus albus | White Indian peafowl | インドクジャク | + | + | Keawcharoen et al., 2005, Pers. Comm. | |||
Phasianus colchicus | Ring-necked pheasant | キジ | + | + | Perkin and Swayne, 2001. Vet Pathol 38:149-164. | |||
Order: Gruiformes | ||||||||
Fulica atra | Coot | オオバン | + | – | OIE Mission to Russia 2005 | |||
Gallicrex cinera | Watercock | ツルクイナ | + | Amonsin et al., 2008. Emerg Infect Dis 14:1739. | ||||
Gallinula chloropus | Common moorhen | バン | + | + | + | ProMED 20051130.3460, Amonsin et al., 2008. Emerg Infect Dis 14:1739. | ||
Grus monacha | Hooded crane | ナベヅル | + | + | 22/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 1) |
Order: Passeriformes | ||||||||
Corvus corone | Carrion crow | ハシボソガラス | + | ? | Rappole and Hubalek, 2006. Emerg Inf Dis 12:1486-1492. | |||
Corvus frugilegsu | Rook | ミヤマガラス | + | ? | Influenza A virus (A/rook/Rostov-on-Don/26/2007(H5N1)) segment 4 hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds. | |||
Corvus macrorhynchos | Jungle or Large billed crow | ハシブトガラス | + | + | + | Mase et.al., 2005, Report of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Infection Route Elucidation Team, June 30, 2004. |
Dicrurus macrocercus | Black drongo | オウチュウ | + | ? | ProMED 20041214.3303 | |||
Gracupica contra | Asian pied starling/Pied myna | ホオジロムクドリ | + | – | Siengsanan-Lamont et al., 2010. Vet Micro. In Press. | |||
Gracupica contra | Asian pied starling/Pied myna | ホオジロムクドリ | + | – | Siengsanan-Lamont et al., 2010. Vet Micro. In Press. | |||
Hirundo rustica | Barn swallow | ツバメ | + | + | Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Hong Kong (P.R. China) (Immediate notification:08/04/2010) |
Lanius schach | Long-tailed shrike | タカサゴモズ | + | + | Bird tests positive for H5N1 | |||
Leiothrix lutea | Red-billed leiothrix | ソウシチョウ | + | + | ProMED 20051021.3075; 20051022.3085. | |||
Lonchura atricapilla | Chestnut munia | キンパラ | + | + | Birds test positive for H5N1 | |||
Lonchura punctulata | Scaly-breasted munia | シマキンパラ | + | ? | ProMED 20041213.3303 | |||
Oriolus chinensis chinensis | Black-naped oriole | コウライウグイス | + | + | ProMED 20051021.3075; 20051022.3085. | |||
Passer domesticus | House sparrow | イエスズメ | + | + | – | Perkins and Swayne, 2003. Vet Pathol 40:14-24. | ||
Passer montanus | Eurasian tree-sparrow | スズメ | + | – | Ellis et al. 2004, Avian Pathol 33:492-505. | |||
Pica pica sericea | Common magpie | カササギ | + | + | Kwon et al., 2005. J Wildl Dis 41:618-623. | |||
Sturnus sericeus | Red-billed starling | ギンムクドリ | ? | + | Dead starling tests positive for H5N1 in HK | |||
Sturnus sturninus | Daurian starling | シベリアムクドリ | ? | + | Bird tested positive for bird flu in Hong Kong | |||
Sturnus vulgaris | European starling | ホシムクドリ | + | + | – | Perkins and Swayne, 2003. Vet Pathol 40:14-24, Manin & Irza, ARRIAH, 2007. Pers. Comm. |
Turdus merula | Blackbird | クロウタドリ | + | ? | Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza-H5N1. Recent developments in the EU |
Zoothera dauma | Scaly thrush | トラツグミ | + | ? | Kuo et al., 2009. PLoS One 4:e6926. | |||
Zosterops japonicus | Japanese white-eye | メジロ | ? | + | Japanese White-eye tested for avian flu | |||
Order: Pelecaniformes | ||||||||
Pelicanus sp. | Pelican | ペリカン属の1種 | + | + | Manin & Irza, ARRIAH, 2007. Pers. Comm. | |||
Phalacrocorax carbo | Great cormorant | カワウ | + | + | OIE 2005, Disease Information Vol.18-no.21 | |||
Platalea leucorodia | Eurasian spoonbill | ヘラサギ | ? | ? | 06/28/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Russia, (Follow-up report No. 1) |
Order: Podicipediformes | ||||||||
Podiceps cristatus | Great crested grebe | カンムリカイツブリ | + | + | Lvov et al., 2006. Vopr Virusol 51:11-14. | |||
Podicepts nigricollis | Black-necked Grebe | ハジロカイツブリ | + | + | H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany | |||
Tachybaptus ruficollis | Little grebe | カイツブリ | + | + | OIE Dis Info v19 #17 | |||
Order: Psittaciformes | ||||||||
Order: Strigiformes | ||||||||
Bubo bubo | Eurasian eagle owl | ワシミミズク | + | + | Rinder et al., 2007. J Vet Diagn Invest 19:279-282. | |||
Strix uralensis | Ural owl | フクロウ | + | + | 24/02/2011: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 6) |
Order: Struthioniformes | ||||||||
Struthio camelus | Ostrich | ダチョウ | + | + | + | Influenza A virus (A/ostrich/HeNan/14/2002(H5N1)) nucleoprotein (NP) gene, partial cds. |